söndag 30 maj 2010

Manipulate date in EXIF

Hi! My camera had the wrong date set. I noticed this first when I imported all my pictures in a program (Fspot) that sorts based on date in EXIF. The solution was to use exiv2 to correct the date, or at least the year.

The following commands helped a lot:

Take all pictures in subfolders and subtract 22years from exif date.
find . -type f -name \* -exec exiv2 -Y -22 ad {} \;

Take all pictures in current folder that start with IMG_ and add 22years (I had to correct some pictures which I had subtracted 22years from twice).
exiv2 -Y +22 ad IMG_*


I have noticed that FSpot do support manipulation of EXIF date also! So all this can probably be done in FSpot.

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